April 26, 2015 Sunday Teaching Easter Abiding Teacher Pastor Chris Alford This post-Easter season we've been talking about looking through the Sunday Scriptures through the l... Scripture: 1 John 3:16-24
April 5, 2015 Sunday Teaching All the Covenants Teacher Pastor Chris Alford Easter Sunday-- Resurrection Day-- arrived and our Lent-long series looking at biblical covenants ca...
April 19, 2015 Sunday Teaching Easter Seeing Teacher Pastor Chris Alford Our series in Easter looking at Scriptures through the lens of the resurrection continues with a foc... Scripture: 1 John 3:1-7
April 12, 2015 Sunday Teaching Weird Knowledge Teacher Pastor Chris Alford During the Sundays in Easter, we're taking a look at the Scripture through the lens of the Resurrect... Scripture: 1 John 1:1-2:2
April 25, 2014 Sunday Teaching Death Never Bothered Me Anyway Teacher Pastor Chris Alford On Easter Sunday, 2014, Pastor Chris recapped our Lenten journey, "From Death to Life," and talked a...