August 5, 2016 Ancient-Future Faith What's an Epiclesis? Teacher Ellen Koehler Well, we get questions now and then at Epiclesis: "What's an Epiclesis?" "Are you a church?" "What's...
July 24, 2016 Sunday Teaching Circumcision and Baptism Teacher Pastor Chris Alford Pastor Chris continues a look at Paul's letter to the Colossian church with an examination of a port... Scripture: Colossians 2:6-19
August 2, 2015 Sunday Teaching Call to Worship Teacher Pastor Chris Alford Point number four of "The Call to an Ancient-Evangelical Future," was the topic of this sermon in th... Scripture: Ephesians 4:1-16; 1 Corinthians 10:14-17
February 1, 2014 Ancient-Future Faith Baptism is the Code Teacher Carla Waterman Baptism, like communion, has been at the center of the worshiping church from the very beginning. Bu...
July 30, 2010 Sunday Teaching In Semet Ipso: A Blueprint for Ancient-Future Teacher Pastor Chris Alford We've been thinking lately about the question, "What makes our community of faith 'Ancient-Future'?"... Scripture: Colossians 2