August 27, 2023 Sunday Teaching IF the Lord Had Not Been on Our Side Teacher Pastor Chris Alford The psalmist makes some bold claims about God's intervention in the life of Israel. But can anyone p... Scripture: Psalm 124
August 20, 2023 Sunday Teaching Oil and Water and Unity Teacher Pastor Chris Alford Oil and water don't mix. So how can they be symbols of unity? Join Pastor Chris for a look at Psalm ... Scripture: Psalm 133; Exodus 30:22-31
August 13, 2023 Sunday Teaching Where is God When You Really Need Him? Teacher Pastor Chris Alford Thank God that he is all around us. And yet, sometimes it’s also really encouraging to see some more... Scripture: Psalm 139; Psalm 85; Psalm 23
July 23, 2023 Sunday Teaching Singing a Psalm Teacher Pastor Chris Alford Less a sermon and more a practical teaching session, Pastor Chris used this occasion to show the con... Scripture: Psalm 86
July 16, 2023 Sunday Teaching Beethoven 6, Psalm 119, and Sloshing Cups Teacher Pastor Chris Alford Pastor Chris continued his look at the psalms with a brief discussion of... Beethoven's sixth sympho... Scripture: Psalm 119