October 18, 2010 What's Scripture Good For? Teacher Pastor Chris Alford Our teaching in 2 Timothy continues with a closer look at a well known passage that talks about the ...
October 11, 2010 Sunday Teaching The Fixed Foot Teacher Pastor Chris Alford Two (perhaps unlikely) inspirations came together in this teaching time as we considered 2 Timothy 2... Scripture: 2 Timothy 2:8-14
September 27, 2010 Sunday Teaching A Feast Indeed Teacher Pastor Chris Alford Oh, we think we know how to celebrate. But as it was with the Children of Israel, it is so often the...
September 14, 2010 Sunday Teaching Gold Calf and Covenant Teacher Pastor Chris Alford With a mighty arm and an outstretched hand, the Lord led His people up out of Egypt and brought them...
September 13, 2010 Sunday Teaching The Potter's Hands Teacher Pastor Chris Alford We've been thinking a lot these days about clay... and potter's wheels. God had His prophet Jeremiah...