November 29, 2010 What Does Hope Look Like? Teacher Pastor Chris Alford Several passages of Scripture on this first Sunday of Advent, including a rich section of Matthew's ...
November 23, 2010 Sunday Teaching Christ Is King! Teacher Pastor Chris Alford The long season after Pentecost-- and the whole Christian year-- comes to a glorious close with Chri...
November 19, 2010 Sunday Teaching So Heavenly Minded We're No Earthly Good Teacher Pastor Chris Alford Have you heard that phrase before? Someone might say, "Why, they're so heavenly minded that they're ...
November 5, 2010 Inheritance in Christ Teacher Pastor Chris Alford Elder Loren Koehler dug into a terrific passage of Scripture in Ephesians as the worshiping communit...
October 25, 2010 It Reflects Jesus Teacher Pastor Chris Alford Have you ever thought about what a crown of righteousness might look like? And here's a thoughtful e...