January 17, 2011 What Does Jesus Look Like? Teacher Pastor Chris Alford What does Jesus look like? In the Gospel reading for this particular Sunday, John the Baptist had a ...
January 11, 2011 Sunday Teaching Bookends of Epiphany Teacher Pastor Chris Alford This teaching on the first Sunday of Epiphany focused on the first "bookend" of the season, that ama...
January 4, 2011 Sunday Teaching Renewing the Covenant Teacher Pastor Chris Alford On this particular Sunday, the first one of a new calendar year, we took some time to focus on coven...
December 20, 2010 The End of Hostilities Teacher Pastor Chris Alford On this final Sunday of Advent, the Sunday of Peace, we considered a passage from Matthew's Gospel, ...
December 13, 2010 Joy in a Prison Cell? Teacher Pastor Chris Alford This teaching for the third Sunday of Advent, the Sunday of Joy, focuses on a passage of Scripture w...