September 25, 2013 Sunday Teaching Shrewd Art and Kingdom Purposes Teacher Pastor Chris Alford In an unusual parable, Jesus seems to be teaching His followers that they have something to learn fr...
September 24, 2013 Sunday Teaching Jesus Fails Church Growth 101 Teacher Pastor Chris Alford In what is a fairly confounding passage of Scripture, Jesus seems to say and do things that would co...
August 21, 2013 Sunday Teaching When God Said, "I Want a Divorce" Teacher Pastor Chris Alford No one would enter a marriage, or start a business venture, or embark on a voyage if they knew ahead...
November 15, 2011 Sunday Teaching We Won't Miss It Teacher Pastor Chris Alford Paul writes to the church at Thessalonica, who evidently had concerns about why some in their number...
September 19, 2011 Sunday Teaching Call to Arms! Teacher Pastor Chris Alford Our Sunday teaching shifted over to another of Paul's letters, a look at a section of Philippians, b...