February 17, 2019 Sunday Teaching Teacher, Healer, and Reverser of Curses Teacher Pastor Chris Alford We continue in our Epiphany series with a look at the Incarnation. Imagine walking for many miles an... Scripture: Luke 6:17-26
February 10, 2019 Sunday Teaching What Do You See? Teacher Pastor Chris Alford Our Scripture for this fifth Sunday of the Epiphany features one of the greatest theophanies, and ep... Scripture: Isaiah 6
January 20, 2019 Sunday Teaching Glory, Epiphany, and the Wedding at Cana Teacher Dr. Ellen Koehler The wedding at Cana is one of the richest passages in John's gospel. On this Sunday during Epiphany,... Scripture: John 2:1-11
February 3, 2019 Sunday Teaching Taking the Way Less Traveled Teacher Rev. Robert Brown Rev. Robert Brown took a look at the story of Jesus' teaching in his hometown synagogue and compared... Scripture: 1 Cor 13
January 27, 2019 Sunday Teaching When You Open God's Word Teacher Dr. Rick Asche Pastor Rick Asche took a look at Nehemiah 8 and asked us to consider what we expect when we open God... Scripture: Nehemiah 8