February 15, 2014 Ancient-Future Faith Evangelicals and the Monastic Life? Teacher Donald Richmond Rev. Dr. Ron Richmond was our guest for this edition of Ancient-Future Faith. Here's a question for ...
February 8, 2014 Ancient-Future Faith Communion and Covenant Teacher Carl Peters "Communion" we get-- we can understand why we do communion in worship. But how is communion connecte...
February 1, 2014 Ancient-Future Faith Baptism is the Code Teacher Carla Waterman Baptism, like communion, has been at the center of the worshiping church from the very beginning. Bu...
January 24, 2014 Ancient-Future Faith Telling the Whole Story of God Teacher Carl Peters What is God's story, and how do we tell it when we come together for worship? Join guest Dr. Carl Pe...
January 17, 2014 Ancient-Future Faith Ordering Our Steps and Marking Our Time Teacher Ron Richardson Dr. Ron Richardson made his way to the Ancient-Future Faith studio and shared about the importance o...