Upcoming Virtual Worship, Gatherings, & Meetings

Worship, Communion, Prayer, Teaching…

This page provides all the information for connecting to our virtual meetings, including liturgies. The upper part of the page lists our connecting tool options, and the lower part (scroll down a bit) shows a listing of upcoming meetings with their tools and codes.

There are two tools for virtual gatherings to choose from: Zoom and Facebook Live. Zoom meetings/gatherings will be simulcast on the Epiclesis Facebook page.

To join a Zoom meeting (video and audio using the Zoom application), click on the link and codes given on this page. Use your desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone for this tool. If you’re joining from a computer or smartphone (for the first time),  you’ll be prompted to download a small application file or app. There is also an option with Zoom to connect by telephone only (audio only).

To see the Facebook Live stream (video and audio), simply go to the Epiclesis Facebook pageUse your desktop, laptop, tablet, or smartphone for this option. With Facebook Live you can comment/post emojis, but will not be seen or heard.

Upcoming Services of Worship and Gatherings…

Join us for Sunday Morning Worship at 10:30 AM (Pacific Time). “See” you then! 

Don’t forget to get communion items to celebrate Table.

Here’s your liturgy for this week:

The First Sunday in Lent, March 9, 2024 

We’ll use the Zoom meeting tool and the service will also be simulcast to Facebook Live.

If you join us by Zoom, please remember to turn off both your mic and camera when you join us. You may turn back on your mic and your camera if we give clear directions to do so.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 871 340 673
Password: 022315

Or you have the option to join Zoom by telephone:

(213) 338-8477 (Same Meeting ID and Passcode as above).

To join us on Facebook, visit the Epiclesis Facebook Page.


Join us on Thursday mornings for a refreshing time of Celtic Prayer and Communion. The time is 8 AM (Pacific).

You’ll need three things (Scripture references available one day prior):

Please note: Note: As of 1/2, we are now using the Winter Liturgy on Thursdays. Here is the booklet version. And here is the single-page-view version

Your supplemental material for Thursday, March 11.

Don’t forget your Communion items to celebrate Table along with us.

Join Zoom Meeting (Standard Link for Normal Weeks):


Meeting ID: 139 359 101
Password: 021621

Or you have the option to join Zoom by telephone (audio only):

(253) 215-8782. (Same Meeting ID and Passcode as above).

Note: This gathering uses the Zoom meeting tool only. We are NOT simulcasting to Facebook Live.

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