Holy Week at Epiclesis

Here are the upcoming opportunities for you to immerse yourself deeply in the spirituality of Holy Week, the week that changed the world:

Won’t you join us?

  • Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, March 13. Join us for our service at 10:30 AM (all times are Pacific).
  • Our Maundy Thursday service is a deeply moving and important part of Holy Week: Thursday night, April 17, at 7 PM.
  • Be on the lookout (and this is tentative) for the return of our very moving Easter Vigil service on Holy Saturday, April 19, at 11 PM.
  • We’re hoping you’ll join us for our Resurrection Day service on Easter Sunday, April 20, at 10:30 AM.

All of these services are at the Carmichael Chapel (our normal Sunday morning worship location).